8 Signs You May Be Suffering from Gut Issues

Gut health has become quite the buzzy topic – more and more people are discovering that their gut health is actually at the center of their health issues. You may have heard doctors, celebrities, and fitness gurus talking about how taking care of the gut is essential for overall health. They’re discovering a truth: taking care of the gut is one of the best shortcuts to cultivating overall health. 

Because of this truth, your gut can be a major source of wide-ranging health issues. You may not even be aware these health issues could be caused by your gut. If you want to find out more about the signs of gut issues, keep reading. 

First, let’s clear up exactly what the “gut” is. Your gut, or gastrointestinal tract, is a system of organs ranging from your stomach to your esophagus that is responsible for digestion. Since it is such a large and important system, it also has a huge impact on your overall well-being. In fact, the gut can impact various aspects of your health that may seem unrelated. Take frequent mood swings, for example – they may not seem like they could be caused by gut issues, but we’ll discover how gut health actually can influence mood regulation. 

Second, let’s define gut issues. Gut issues refer to any disruptions or imbalances in the gut microbiome. Simply put, there are many different microorganisms (yeasts, bacteria, fatty acids, and more) that live in your gut, and they don’t always get along. These microorganisms require a very delicate balance to maintain gut health. When this delicate balance is thrown off, you may experience gut issues. Some common causes of the imbalances that trigger gut issues include the following:

  • Poor diet, especially one high in processed foods and sugars
  • Chronic stress
  • Food intolerances and sensitivities 
  • Genetic predisposition to GI conditions 
  • Hormonal imbalances 
  • Lack of sleep and/or exercise

Now that we’ve explored what the gut is and what gut issues are, let’s outline some of the most common signs you may be suffering from gut issues. 

8 Signs of Gut Issues

Because the gut has such wide-ranging impacts, gut issues sometimes can manifest in surprising ways. It’s important to identify the signs of gut issues – recognizing the root causes of your health problems will also allow you to take the right steps to correct those issues and restore balance to your health. 

1. Digestive Discomfort

One of the most common signs of gut issues is persistent digestive discomfort. Do you often experience bloating, gas, constipation, or diarrhea? These symptoms may indicate an imbalance in your gut. Occasional digestive problems are normal, but if you experience these symptoms frequently, it may be time to address an underlying gut issue. 

2. Unexplained Weight Changes

Have you experienced seemingly random fluctuations in your weight, even though you stick to a consistent diet and exercise plan? This can be extremely frustrating, but addressing your gut health may be the key to addressing unexplained weight changes. Gut issues can interfere with nutrient absorption and metabolism, leading to weight gain or unintended weight loss. 

3. Persistent Fatigue 

Feeling constantly tired despite getting enough sleep? Your gut health could be to blame. Imbalances in your gut might be preventing your body from absorbing nutrients from the food you eat and thus from making use of the energy in your food. Without absorbing that energy, you may experience persistent fatigue and low energy levels. Addressing your gut health can help you get your energy levels back on track. 

4. Skin Flare-Ups

Gut issues can manifest in various skin conditions, including acne, eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea. Have you tried addressing these with topicals or medication and ended up frustrated when they only temporarily fix your breakouts? Studies have shown that these flare-ups are often linked to gut imbalances and inflammation. By addressing the root cause of these skin issues, you can achieve the clear and healthy skin you desire! 

5. Mood Swings and Mental Health Challenges 

The gut and the brain are deeply connected – they communicate back and forth – which means the gut can play a crucial role in your mental health. Gut imbalances can “tell” your brain something isn’t right, contributing to mood swings, anxiety, depression, and other mental health challenges. Nurturing gut health is essential for promoting your emotional well-being and cognitive function. 

6. Food Intolerances and Sensitivities

Do certain foods always leave you feeling bloated, gassy, or in pain? Maybe you haven’t understood exactly why just yet. Food intolerances and sensitivities are often signs of underlying gut issues. Imbalances in the gut microbiome can compromise digestive function, making it difficult to digest certain foods. Identifying these sensitivities can lead you to heal your gut for permanent relief. 

7. Persistent Bad Breath 

Persistent bad breath, also known as halitosis, can be more than just a dental issue. Remember how the gut includes all the digestive organs from your liver to your mouth? If you’ve tried every toothpaste and mouthwash on the shelf and still don’t feel minty-fresh, it may indicate an imbalance in your gut microbiome. An overgrowth of harmful bacteria in the digestive system can cause stinky breath. By addressing gut health, you can promote your oral health for fresh breath.

8. Frequent Illness

Gut health plays a crucial role in immune function, with approximately 70% of the immune system residing in the gut-associated lymphoid tissue (GALT). Several illnesses, including colds and flu and many chronic illnesses, have been traced to issues in your gut. If you find yourself frequently falling ill or struggling to recover from illnesses, it may be a sign that underlying gut issues are compromising your immune system. 

If any of these signs of gut issues sound familiar to you, it may be time to investigate your gut health. Starting your gut health journey may allow you to say goodbye to those pesky breakouts and constant stomach pain once and for all. 

Ready to Get Your Gut Health under Control? 

At Entelechy Life, our physician Dr. Jennifer Mead has long been dedicated to understanding how the gut impacts health. From her background in functional medicine, Dr. Mead is passionate about helping you uncover signs of gut issues and walking alongside you as you journey back toward full restoration. Our team in Wichita will help you explore how lifestyle changes, proper nutrition, detoxification, and fitness can help you get your gut health and overall health back on track. If you want to learn more, book your free discovery call today!

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